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Carnage in Space: Ignition

A fast-paced, intensely difficult sci-fi action platformer · By MoscowModder


Recent updates

Financial Drought
In response to a recent piece of feedback, I tested the drop rates for money and decided that could stand to be buffed a bit. What's that? You say the average p...
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Gamepads and Early Game Cleanup
Huzzah! This is the first major-ish update since the full release! Things of note: Better gamepad support! By this point you should be able to navigate the enti...
Pipe down, antivirus!
Since release, I’ve been having trouble with antivirus getting suspicious of the Windows executable. I suspect it’s because I used Resource Hacker to replac...
[Insert water vapor pun here]
What's this? A Steam store page ? That's right, everybody's* favorite* indie retro action platformer is making it's way over to Steam, releasing on 12/29! That'...
The Mac is Bac!
Editor’s note: You’re fired. Author’s note: No, YOU’RE fired! Ahem. Version 1.0.3 is out, and with it come a couple of small bugfixes, bigger icons for...
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